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DIST Oddelek za informacijske znanosti in tehnologijo

László HAJDÚ bo v ponedeljek, 19. novembra 2018, bo ob 16.00 uri imel predavanje z naslovom "Network based data analytics"

Kdaj in kje: *19. november 2018* ob *16.00* v *FAMNIT-VP2 *

Predavatelj: László HAJDÚ
László Hajdú je diplomiral na Univerzi v Szegedu iz računalništva in informatike. Na isti universzi je trenutno doktorski študent. Ravno tako dela v raziskovalni skupini InnoRenew CoE in je asistent na UP FAMNIT.

Naslov: Network based data analytics


Based on our real life activities a huge amount of data is produced about our habits, financial behavior, or connections. Nevertheless, the data itself are not valuable from the application point of view if we cannot extract the information behind by detecting the relevant patterns.
In this talk we will present three different topics in connection with network based data analytics. The first one is a special community detection methodology which can be used to identify the frequent vehicle combinations and hidden connections among passengers in any public transport network. The second research is considering influence maximization and it is able to choose the best influencers in (social) networks. The last topic is a real life example about how can we use network science in fraud detection in the financial sector.

Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
